Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week 8: Family

This week we discussed the virtue of family.  Our chalk board reflections were to draw our family trees!  We talked about the differences among our families, and the importance in knowing that we are all in God's family.  We watched two clips from "Finding Nemo" showing how Marlin was very protective over Nemo, but throughout the movie learns that he must let go of Nemo and allow Nemo to experience things on his own.  We then read Luke 15:11-32 (The Prodigal Son) and talked about the similarities and differences between characters in the parable and characters in "Finding Nemo".  We explored how God is much like the father in Luke 15:11-32, always welcoming us back with open arms and ready to celebrate our return.  So, in order to remember and celebrate the fact that God welcomes us home with celebration, we played a bunch of games since games are often a part of celebrating!  One of the funniest was our game, Cereal Face Relay, in which youth had to stick their faces in a bowl of water and then into a bowl of cheerios in order to get the cereal to stick to their faces.  Then they ran back and tried to get the cereal into their team's bowl without using their hands.  Check out pictures below (and more on FUMC's facebook page).  So I want to know, how have you celebrated being God's child this week?  Comment on this post with your answers!

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