Friday, January 14, 2011

Week 2: Amos

For our second week in our new series: "Drama & Dedication: The Life of the Prophets" we took a look at the prophet Amos.  Amos was from Judah, the southern kingdom when Israel split, and God called Amos to go deliver a message to Israel, the northern kingdom.  At this time Israel was known for its great wealth and unjust behaviors (read Amos 2:6-16).  Amos' job was to deliver God's call for Israel to repent and change their ways.  Israel didn't take this so well, and ended up NOT repenting (unlike the Ninevites we talked about last week).  So, not long after that Israel fell to the Assyrian army, and the ten tribes were exiled throughout the region--never again to be joined as a kingdom, just as Amos had prophesied. 

We spent time talking more deeply about social injustices.  We talked about how Christians and non-Christians can be guilty of unjust behaviors.  We also talked about how the church is often guilty of social injustices, but that the church should play a role in helping bring about reconciliation and healing to those social injustices.  So how does God still speak to us today through the story of the prophet Amos?

We learn that God calls us to:
-Live justly and righteously.
-Treat others kindly and fairly.
-Don't let material possessions divert your attention from relationships with others and with God.
-Make sure God is a priority in your life rather than just a Sunday morning pit stop.

In response to what we learned, we realized that one way we can treat others kindly and show God's love to them is through acts of hospitality.  So, for the rest of our time together, we baked mini loaves of bread to be offered to visitors of our church on Sunday mornings!  What is one way you seek to live justly and righteously?  Comment on this post with your responses.

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