Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FUSION Gathering: Connect

This Sunday we began a new series called "Connect".  During this series we will be studying the life of Moses as we learn how to further live our our faith in God daily!  This week we looked at how Moses traded his life of power and privilege for a life of purpose.  So, as an opening activity we each received a bag of snacks.  We then had to trade with others, making at least 3 trades, to try to end up with the snacks we wanted most.  We looked at Moses' life of power and privilege before he devoted his life to God.  We talked about how this could be perceived as both a good trade and a bad trade.  Ultimately, though, we are also called to give up certain things in our life in order to trade them for a life of faith.  We each wrote down one thing God may be calling us to give up and trade away.  After writing it down, we balled up that piece of paper and threw it in the trash, symbolizing our "throwing away" of that particular thing.  As we continue with this study, we will search deeper into the story and life of Moses and explore where his story intersects with ours!  Come and join us every Sunday evening this summer from 7-8:30pm for FUSION Gathering!

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