Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Messiah as Life

This week we talked about Jesus as Life!

We began with a little game.  In three pitchers I had filled one with tap water, one with bottled water and one with filtered water.  The youth each took a taste of each pitcher, tried to figure out which was which, and voted on the one they liked best.  Because of Farmville's not so great tasting tap water, everyone was able to pin point that pitcher.  The bottled water ended up winning, with the filtered coming in second.  From there we took a look at Scripture when Jesus was described as a different kind of water: living water.  Together we read John 4:4-15, the story of the woman at the well, and talked about what it meant for Jesus to offer the woman living water.  Through this living water, Jesus was offering eternal life!

We then took a look at John 6:1-15, 25-40 where Jesus is described as the bread of life!  Just as before, this is bread that is not simply tangible food, but spiritual food that offers eternal life.  All Jesus asks is that we have faith and accept the grace he gives us.  Using normal everyday things like water and bread makes it easier for us to understand just as it was easier for Jesus' disciples and followers to understand.

To live into our calling to faith and therefore living into that faith, we baked bread for our church's bread ministry...remembering that Jesus is the bread of life!  While it baked we spent time looking at other passages in John where Jesus is described as life.  Then we were challenged to think this week about an example we see in our own lives of how Jesus is life to us (bread, water, light, etc.).  How do you see and experience Jesus as life?  Comment on this post with your responses.

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